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July 2018


Collect, collide, collaborate, create! Building responsive cultures in the dance class

DaCi and the Child International Panpapanpalya conference

Adelaide, Australia


Advocating with our thumbs: BYOD to the dance class

DaCi and the Child International Panpapanpalya conference

Adelaide, Australia


July, 2017

Flipped dance class: Using handheld dance technology

Dance and the Child International Open Space conference

Provo, Utah.


Blooms New Taxonomy, Critical Thinking and curricular planning

Dance and the Child International Open Space conference in Provo, Utah.


July, 2015

Community engagement redefined with Dancers Connect

Research presentation at the 13th Dance and the Child International World Congress: Twist & Twin.

Copenhagen, Denmark


Celebrating Critical Thinking- workshop presentation

13th Dance and the Child International World Congress: Twist & Twin

Copenhagen, Denmark


June 2010

Museum Innovations: Dynamic interactive performance environments.

Athens Institute for Education and Research Conference. International Conference on Fine Arts.

Athens Greece, (with Cathie Kasch).


August 2009

Technology and teacher training.

Dance and the Child International Conference:  Cultures flex Unearthing Expressions of the Dancing Child.

Kingston, Jamaica.


Games in the dance class.

Dance and the Child International Conference - Cultures flex: Unearthing Expressions of the Dancing Child. 

Kingston, Jamaica.


January, 2009

Videoconferencing in Dance Education.

International Conference on Arts & Humanities Honolulu, Hawaii.


GAME ON: cooperative body/mind play in school.

International Conference on Arts & Humanities Honolulu, Hawaii.


December, 2008

Visual Idea Generation: Computers in Dance Education.

Keynote Address. The Dance Research Society of Taiwan Annual Conference:  A New Epoch of Dance Education

Taipei, Taiwan


The Importance of Play in the Dance Class.

The Dance Research Society of Taiwan Annual Conference:  A New Epoch of Dance Education

Taipei, Taiwan


Connecting Moves: Teledance in K-8 Dance Education.

The Dance Research Society of Taiwan Annual Conference:  A New Epoch of Dance Education.

Taipei, Taiwan


Integrating technology in dance instruction.

The Dance Research Society of Taiwan Annual Conference:  A New Epoch of Dance Education.

Taipei, Taiwan


Constructivism in the classroom.

The Dance Research Society of Taiwan Annual Conference:  A New Epoch of Dance Education.

Taipei, Taiwan


May, 2007

Connecting Moves: Teledance in K-8 Dance Education.

Crossing Boundaries: Investigating the nexus of the arts, education and community.

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.


GAME ON: Minds at Play in the Dance Class.

Crossing Boundaries: Investigating the nexus of the arts, education and community. 

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.


July 2006

Hip Hop dance in contemporary culture.

Dance and the Child International Conference- Coloring Senses, Moving, Creating, Observing Three Dimensions of the Dancing Child

The Hague, Netherlands


Children as Activists in K-12 dance instruction.

Dance and the Child International Conference- Coloring Senses, Moving, Creating, Observing Three Dimensions of the Dancing Child

The Hague, Netherlands. (with Lindsey Bauer)


Interactive Gateway.

Dance and the Child International Conference- Coloring Senses, Moving, Creating, Observing Three Dimensions of the Dancing Child

The Hague, Netherlands.


November, 2005

Curriculum for change: Children as Activists in K-12 dance education

Congress on Research in Dance.  Dance and Human Rights Joint Conference. Québec, Canada. (with Lindsey Bauer)


October, 2003

Culturally responsive teaching in dance education curriculum.

Pulses and Impulses for Dance in the Community. Almada, Portugal. 


July, 2003

Living in the Process.

International conference on Kinetography Laban (ICKL) Taipei The 23rd Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban (ICKL) Beijing, China: (with Valarie Mockabee)


August, 2003

Interactive Gateway.

Dance and the Child International - Breaking Boundaries: Dances, bodies and multiculturalism.

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (with Kathy Lindholm Lane)

Moving Out of Domains and into Big Ideas.

Dance and the Child International - Breaking Boundaries: Dances, Bodies and Multiculturalism.

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (with Kathy Lindholm Lane)


January 2003 

Inside the Process: Dance documentation issues and observations

International conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii.


Aug, 2001

Prey: An Innovation in Dance Documentation.

Enhanced process-based dance instruction from the companion CD-ROM for Labanotation score “Prey”

International Conference of Kinetography Laban (ICKL) in Columbus Ohio, (with Valarie Mockabee)


Motif Writing and Technology for Dance Education.

International Conference of Kinetography Laban (ICKL) in Columbus Ohio,


March, 1999

Motif Writing in dance education.

Symposium on Instructional Technology in Physical Education at Hong Kong University, in Hong Kong. 


February, 1999

Discover Dance and The 100 Year Old Shark.

Symposium on Instructional Technology in Physical Education. Hong Kong


Technology in the dance education class.

International Dance and Technology Conference, Tempe Arizona.


Advocacy and Issues in educational technology and copyright

International Dance and Technology Conference, Tempe Arizona.


Kiosk presentation of Discover Dance CD-ROM

International Dance and Technology Conference, Tempe Arizona.


July, 1998

Computer Assisted Dance Education.

New Trends in Dance Education Conference.  Portugal


July, 1997

Uniting Dance and Curricula: Literacy Comes Alive.

Dance and the Child International Conference (daCi) Kuopio, Finland

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